  • Information for its associates on regulations that concern them, along with news of what is taking place on the contemporary art market by means of circulars, mails, e-mail bulletins and our website.
  • The issuing of specific reports on questions of interest that concern us.
  • Replies to questions of an associative nature that are put to it.
  • Establishing protocols for guiding associates in the processes of buying and selling works of art.
  • Making periodical contact with the economic players in the world of collecting in order to achieve a proper quality of service and beneficial conditions for associates.
  • Presenting the Association, making it known and promoting relations with Public Administration bodies and with cultural bodies and organisations, both Spanish and foreign.
  • Creating a network of contacts with associations having similar aims in other countries.
  • Drawing up a Code of good practices for associates.
  • Starting up an instruction programme for collectors with the objectives set by its associates.
  • Preparation of an optional database where one can find out about artists who are represented in associates’ collections. This database can serve for being used by museums and curators for setting up their exhibitions.
  • Organising courses and exhibitions on contemporary art with the aim of making it known within the territorial field of this Association.