Concerned and aware of the problems facing the private collecting of contemporary art in Spain, the founding articles of the 9915 Association contain the following aims and objectives:

  • We wish to protect the interests of contemporary art private collectors, both in Spain and beyond our borders.
  • Defend the rights of collectors in the buying process, instigating the channels and preparing the necessary documents that will generate safety and confidence in our activity.
  • Advice in loans made to museums and institutions in order to ensure their care and return in a perfect condition.
  • Set up the appropriate channels in relations with gallery owners, insurance companies, restorers, transport companies, packagers, photographers and printers, with the aim of achieving beneficial conditions for Association members.
  • We propose the creation of a code of good practices that will further the prestige of the Association as a group.
  • Carry out mediation tasks in any disagreements and disputes that might arise in buying and selling between associates and market agents.
  • We want to boost the figure of the private collector as someone indispensable in the art market.
  • We are especially interested in instructing new collectors, promoting courses, forums and conferences which will help our activity to become more widely known and publicised.
  • Facilitate contacts between associates and curators, critics and historians, and to structure a service for certification and authentication by specific experts.
  • To encourage and coordinate the making available of the artistic heritage of associates to the cultural world – museums, galleries, artists, curators, universities, etc. – for their exhibition, study, cataloguing and research.
  • Within the limits of its possibilities, to provide members with business, legal, fiscal, etc. advice.